There is no part of Creative Word Ministries that is more vital than the ministry of prayer. Sylvia and CWM depend heavily on the prayers of faithful intercessors who pray for Sylvia herself, for her family, for the CWM ministry, board, and staff, and for the actual meetings and events where Sylvia will be ministering.

There is no pressure on intercessors…just an invitation to care and to carry the needs in prayer. It has often been proven that as soon as the call to prayer goes out, change is felt in the situation.

The commitment that CWM Intercessors make is simple: “I commit to be available to pray as God calls me to pray.” If you feel called to pray for Sylvia and CWM, there are two ways you can register as an intercessor.

Online Intercessors (OLINTS):
Receive frequent communications by E-mail

Through prayer, the “OLINTS” are Sylvia’s “ministry companions” from place to place and meeting to meeting. Sylvia communicates with OLINTS frequently by email, or she contacts one of her staff to “let the intercessors know to pray…” or “let the OLINTS know their prayers were answered!”

On-line Intercessors are reminded by email of up-coming ministry times and places, and after each meeting they enjoy reports of what the Lord has done. They often receive summaries of Sylvia’s messages and how the Spirit has moved in personal ministry.

OLINTS stay up-to-date on the ministry needs and receive notice of changes in Sylvia’s schedule and additional ministries not on her published calendar. They are “on call” for emergency needs. Tess Watson is CWM’s faithful staff intercessor who coordinates the communication with OLINTS.

I want to enlist as an online inteRcessor! 

Esther’s Maidens (and Mordecai’s Men):
Receive quarterly letters by postal mail.

Those friends who register on the Esther’s Maidens (and Mordecai’s Men) mailing list receive information by traditional first-class mail (snail mail), through the USPS, every few months. Esther’s Maidens letters include several updates:

  • Sylvia’s spiritual insights and her current concerns for the ministry.
  • Sylvia’s calendar – her projected schedule of speaking engagements and events where she will be participating in ministry activities.
  • Sylvia’s overseas travel and ministry itinerary – so that intercessors can “go with her in prayer” each time she goes abroad.
  • Praise reports and prayer requests relating to CWM’s ministry, board and staff.
  • Updates on Sylvia’s personal prayer concerns, including family and ministry friends in need of prayer.

I want to enlist as an Esther’s Maiden intercessor! 

Background of “Esther’s Maidens” Ministry

This prayer arm of CWM’s ministry began in 1986, when Sylvia felt commissioned of the Lord to coordinate intercessors to support Dee Jepsen in prayer, and then intercessors began to register to pray for Sylvia and CWM, as well.

The pattern of Esther 4:16 was seen clearly – that while Mordecai called people together to pray for the cause, Esther’s personal maidens were concerned for the person God would use to accomplish His purpose. They surrounded Esther to prepare her personally for the thing she was called to do. Their part was personal. Their focus was to support Esther herself so that she could be strong and ready to fulfill her purpose.

This was the kind of commitment that intercessors made to pray for Dee Jepsen and for Sylvia – to pray for the woman herself, as well as for the ministry cause to which she was called.

Soon some of “Mordecai’s Men” began to join Esther’s Maidens, as brothers in the Lord also committed to pray. Now Sylvia and CWM depend heavily upon these faithful intercessors! Both men and women are welcome to share as CWM Intercessors.